We offer a Problem Gambling Awareness Training- it is about 45-60min in length.

Interested in having SCCASA perform a gambling presentation? Please fill out the form and let us know. This is a presentation for adults not for students.


Gambling can be defined as any activity (e.g. a game of chance or skill) where an item of value is placed at risk in an attempt to gain something of greater value.

Anyone involved in gambling activities has the potential to develop an addiction, however some individuals and groups are more at-risk.  Gambling behavior can be classified into four categories:

  • non-problem

  • low-risk

  • moderate-risk

  • problem gamblers

Adolescents, veterans, aging adults, and Latino and Asian communities are just a few of the major groups termed “special populations” and considered at higher risk than the general population for developing a gambling addiction.


Over the past few decades, health professionals have discussed and debated the definition of various terms associated with problem gambling. Diagnostic phrases have varied from “pathological gambling” and “compulsive gambling” to “gambling addiction” and the latest diagnosis, “disordered gambling,” and the criteria for being diagnosed as having an addiction or being at-risk have changed along the way, as well.