TIPs on How to Talk with Your Children About Substances

Over the next 5 weeks we are going to be posting 1 tip a week on how to discuss substance use and gambling with your kids. ***

Tip #1 - Be Clear In Your Expectations

It is crucial to be clear in what the expectations are for your children. Statements like “be smart” can be left up to interpretation. If your expectations or values are for your kids not to use substances, be direct in how you talk to them. Clearly lay out what you desire and what you expect from them. Be specific, using a statement like, “If you go out with your friends please don’t drink or ride with anyone that has been drinking or using drugs”.

Clarity is always key.

Please come back next week for tip #2 in talking with your children which is Ask and Listen, But Really Listen.”



Harvard Health Blog

August 16, 2018

By Sharon Levy, MD, MPH, Contributor, and

Siva Sundaram, BA, Contributor